Beyond the (data) breach: Battling evolving cyber risks
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Cyber exposures are expanding at a rapid pace, with a more connected business landscape introducing fundamental threats to businesses of all sizes and shapes. This day and a half conference outlined some of these threats, using recent examples, and discussed how businesses should address them, with technology and human capital solutions.
How is the insurance market responding? Is there enough cover available in these developing areas of business interruption, contingent business interruption, third party lawsuits and systems failure to adequately address buyer’s needs?
View the 2018 San Francisco Cyber Risk Insights Conference photos.
You can now register for the 2019 San Francisco Cyber Conference!
We consistently deliver an audience that is comprised of 20% Risk Managers & Insurance Buyers, Brokers (20%), Insurance Carriers (36%), Lawyers (6%), Service Providers (9%) and other insurance professionals (9%).
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