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Taking a page out of the best-practices business books of their targets, advanced attackers show signs of corporate organization in order to more effectively hack into networks, according to Symantec’s latest Internet Security Report, which found that a new zero-day attack is discovered on average once a week, double the rate of a year ago.
“Advanced criminal attack groups now echo the skill sets of nation-state attackers. They have extensive resources and a highly skilled technical staff that operate with such efficiency that they maintain normal business hours and even take weekends and holidays off,” said Kevin Haley, director of Symantec Security Response. “We are even seeing low-level criminal attackers create call center operations to increase the impact of their scams.”
“The increasing number of companies choosing to hold back critical details after a breach is a disturbing trend,” Haley said. “Transparency is critical to security. By hiding the full impact of an attack, it becomes more difficult to assess the risk and improve your security posture to prevent future attacks.”
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