NEW YORK—According to former New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly, there are two “enduring threats” to the country—terrorism and cyber.
Speaking here at Advisen’s Casualty Insights Conference, Kelly said solving terrorism is “not as easy as finding needles in a haystack.” The point, he said, was evidenced by the recent terror attack in Brussels because Belgian authorities could not track down the perpetrators.
Kelly, now vice chairman at K2 Intelligence, said “terrorists go to the weakest link.” Belgium, Kelly continued, is seen as a weak link in terms of counterterrorism intelligence.
However, although US intel is markedly robust, the country did get a “huge wake-up call” with the attack in San Barnardino, California late last year. He called it a “game-changer.”
He said that prior to this attack the popular thought was that terrorists targeted major cities or iconic landmarks. The attack in the working-class town of San Barnardino proved terrorism can happen anywhere.
“The whole county is now in play,” Kelly said, so municipalities everywhere need to think about the risk and prepare.
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