
Download PDF: D&O StrataScope Fact Sheet

Public Company D&O StrataScope provides multi-dimensional information for underwriters and actuarial leaders to make informed decisions about underwriting and pricing D&O risk for public companies. D&O StrataScope intersects Advisen’s industry-leading D&O case data with time series company data to provide insight into current historical D&O case data.

Underwriting Benefits

Information-Driven Performance

Management Reporting and Communication

Why D&O StrataScope?

Industry Analysis

Which industries have experienced the greatest changes in frequency and severity of loss?
How can I visualize the differences among industry loss trends?
Which industries are growing or shrinking in the count of public companies?

Loss Types

Which types of cases have experienced the biggest change in frequency?
Which types of cases have experienced the greatest change in severity?
How does loss severity vary by case type?

Attachment Point Strategy

What is the size distribution of losses?
How has severity been influenced by market capitalization over time?
What types of losses are most likely to exceed specific attachment points?