Cyber Business Interruption

April 2017

Did you know that there was a 30 percent increase in cyber incidents that led to business interruption (BI) in 2016?

In this day and age when many businesses find it difficult to survive offline, a massive data breach or even a momentary system outage can result in catastrophic financial damage. Hacked businesses not only suffer from lost profits and opportunities, but also a decline in customer confidence.

Amid the heightened risk, the role of business interruption insurance in minimizing losses is increasingly recognized as a crucial component of cyber risk coverage.

Download a copy of Cyber Business Interruption, an infographic from Advisen and Hiscox that offers information on the average income lost by large and small companies due to cyber business interruption. It also looks at the industries that experienced the largest numbers of business interruption incidents, as well as the major causes of business interruption incidents.

Download the Infographic